Salvation Army
The Center serves as the Salvation Army Service Unit for Pemberton Township. Through this remarkable ministry, many area churches provide crucial support to meet needs for which there is no grant funding. This enables us to bridge a complicated gap between church and state.Salvation Army funds are particularly important for assisting our clients with rapid rehousing. Family reunification is a cornerstone of this effort, so we use these funds to help clients travel home.These funds also help clients in crisis with needed medical care, including medications, eyeglasses and small medical equipment.
For the newly homeless.
When a services-qualified family becomes homeless in Burlington County, shelter is provided in area motels. Sometimes there is a brief gap in coverage for such clients, for any of a variety of reasons. The Center is able to help such people with vouchers for short period of shelter in participating motels. We also provide emergency short term shelter in motels for other persons, depending on their circumstances.
Code Blue
During the winter, when weather conditions reach a point that is deemed to be potentially life-threatening to people living outside, the Burlington County Board of Health activates Code Blue. Persons at risk are contacted via outreach teams or are identified through EMS or law enforcement personnel and invited to take shelter indoors. Tabernacle of Praise of Browns Mills hosts our Code Blue shelter for up to 14 adults. Guests eat dinner and spend the night on site and return to the Center for breakfast, lunch, an opportunity to take a shower and change clothes. We use these crucial encounters as opportunities to build relationships with our guests and lead them to the feet of Jesus.
The drive through food pantry is in operation Monday - Friday 10 am to 3 pm.
Several area food providers graciously donate unsold groceries, which we pass on to our clients and also use for our community lunch.
Community Lunch
We serve a daily hot lunch in the center at noon. Each Wednesday and Friday, we deliver lunch to people who are sheltered in several area motels and to others who live outdoors. This is an opportunity to build friendships, to pray for our friends’ needs and to share the Gospel.
Basket Program
We distribute food baskets for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as Back to School baskets containing school supplies and a gift certificate good toward the purchase of a pair of shoes.

Homelessness prevention
We prefer to make appointments for case management, we prefer clients to call the B.C. Housing HUB at 609-265-5185. They will take a short assessment and send out an email to all the agencies who have funding.
The Center provides assistance with rent or mortgage payments in times of crisis, in accordance with state and federal guidelines. Several grants help us with these services, as does support from individuals and churches. We also assist tenants and homeowners who fall behind in utilities payments by negotiations and financial assistance. New Jersey Shares is a vital part of this work.
Additional Resources
The Village Thrift Shop, 87 Hanover Street, Pemberton is open Monday thru Friday from 9 am to 4 pm and Saturdays 10 am to 3 pm. They are accepting in season clothing, blankets ,household goods, linens, towels etc. Donations are excepted on Mon. Wed., Fri. 10-2pm only. They supply the Outreach Center in Browns Mills clothing as needed there. Call (609)894-5400 for more information.

Recovery, Sobriety and Job Training
Christian Caring Center operates a four-bed men’s shelter in Pemberton dedicated to helping men in recovery from substance abuse issues. Staffed with an on-site manager, the shelter follows a structured program to provide accountability and Christian discipleship. Through the shelter and our other outreaches to people striving for a life of sobriety, we provide avenues for work experience and job training in retail, food service, maintenance, janitorial and office administration skills.
We are privileged to partner with Experience Works as a job training site.