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A word from Madelyn Sutton-Director of the Christian Caring Center

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” —John 13:34-35 NKJV

February is LOVE month. As believers, our faith is most undeniable when it is seen in action. When Jesus announced that He would be leaving, He gave one very simple and profound instruction: “Love one another.” This is harder than it seems and love doesn’t naturally fit. But we still crave it and love is the mark of Jesus’ followers. Jesus asked His disciples to practice the love that He modeled. If they reflected the example of Jesus’ love, they would stand out in a world that does not understand love. Jesus explained, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (v. 35). The distinguishing mark of Jesus’ followers is how faith influences their daily actions: how they work alongside coworkers, how they solve problems, how they speak to spouses and children, how they work out problems with church members. Jesus’ followers live differently, demonstrating love consistently toward others. When we are loved by a supernatural love it transforms us into people of love who live differently in the world. The best example I have of this is our volunteers. Our volunteers give and give expecting nothing in return. They want to help because God has loved them first. They make the Christian Caring Center a refuge of love to those who are feeling beat down, insecure, worn out, hopeless, hungry, and homeless. Their time and support as loving Christians is a healing balm to parched and weary souls. Love is an action and I pray you are asking God in this new year what actions will you take to Love like Jesus?

I want to offer a place, the Christian Caring Center, as a place where God can use your love, gifts and talents. Before the pandemic we had about 40 regular Volunteers now we have 12 including our Board members. Our Board’s desire is to bring the Food Pantry back inside the Center from the drive through method, so that we can pray and minister to each person. We need to have enough volunteers to do that. Please pray and ask God what He would have you do or perhaps you know of someone who would love to ask the question, “What can I pray for you today?” It can be the very prayer or conversation that can change their lives for eternity!

If you would like to volunteer, our volunteer application is online or you can stop by the Christian Caring Center or the Village Thrift Shop. Whoever you are, whatever you do, you can have Jesus in your life. Don’t think you need extraordinary qualifications or a lot of money; He accepts you as you are. Thank you for sharing your prayers, time, and financial gifts to spread this wonderful Gospel to the people we serve at the Christian Caring Center.

Abiding in Him,

Madelyn Sutton

Executive Director


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